
Aircraft Services

Cranberry Aviation provides two valuable general aviation aircraft services to snowbirds that relocate for the winter.                    

Aircraft Upkeep Services

Pilots that re-locate to the sunny south for the winter have peace of mind in knowing that their airplanes are kept in operable condition via Cranberry Aviation’s Aircraft Upkeep Services.  While you are away, you can sign up for progressive services offered by Cranberry Aviation.  These services include: 

  • Visual Inspection and Preflight of your Aircraft. 
  • Ground Run-Ups and Pre-Flight Operational Checks.
  • Flight Operation with Communication Equipment Checks.
  • Flight Operation with Communication and Navigation Equipment Checks.
  • Verification of aircraft service with the owner upon completion of each aircraft check.

Aircraft Relocation Services 

   Pilots that relocate to the sunny south for the winter can opt to have their general aviation aircraft relocated to their preferred airport via Cranberry Aviation’s Airplane Relocation Service.  Cranberry Aviation will ferry your airplane to your winter retreat based upon a “cost-plus basis”.   Aircraft Relocation Services are dependent upon:

  • Compliance with Aircraft Airworthiness Regulations.
  • Type Aircraft and Equipment Installed.